Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Senang Nak Shoping Nanti...

Kena tau la serba sikit...kang kena jual lak...ada yang tak balik mesia nanti...atleast basic words leh gak sembang sembang...kalau nak lebih sila rujuk kat sinun......

Basic words in Thai language

Hello = Sawa dee
Thank you (man says) = Kob Khun Krap
Thank you (woman says) = Kob Khun Ka
How are you? = Khun sabai di mai?
I am fine thanks = (man says) Pom sabai di krap.
I am fine thanks= (woman says) Chan sabai di ka.
Basically women say "ka" at the end of a sentence
while men say "krap".

You're welcome = Yin dee krap / ka
Wait = Roh sakru
I= pom (man)
I= chan (woman)
Come = ma
Come from = ma jak
I come from Australia = Pom ma jak pratet Australia (man)/
Chan ma jak pratet Australia (woman)
I love Thailand = Pom/chan rak Meuang Thai.
I love you= pom/chan rak khun The word leu = past tense meaning it has happened already. The word is used at the end of the sentence to say something already happened. I have come= ma leu
Go = pai
Gone already = pai leu
Go where = pai nai
Go soon = pai diauni
room= hong
= hong nam
Where is the toilet? = hong nam yu nai?
to enter= kao
to understand
= kao jai (literally: to enter the heart)
don't understand = mai kao jai
Eat = gin
Drink = deun
Food = ahan
Candies= kanom
Have eaten already? = gin leu mai krap/ka?
Rice = kao
to eat= kin kao (literally: eat rice)
I am hungry = pom/chan heeu kao
Are you hungry? = Khun heeu kao mai?

Atau kat cni ada cikit kalau malas nak baca...


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